Monday, 17 December 2007

Staffordshire University Caves To Conservative Pressure

Staffordshire University has conceded to calls from Conservative Future to open up the University to democratic activity and allow political parties onto the university campus.

Conservative Future will be on the University campus in Stafford on 11th February, and Stoke-on-Trent campus on 12th February, promoting the Conservative Party and youth politics, as well as inviting students to join the Party.

This is a really welcome decision, and thankfully the Students Union have agreed to hold the 'Who's Speaking For You?' event in February (originally promised for the first semester) after much pressure from CF over the past 6 months, and extensive press coverage. However, it is very disappointing that it has taken this long for the University and Students Union to understand the importance of political freedom and democracy to Staffordshire students.

There is however disappointing news from the University that accompanies this success. In a written statement from the Students Union they state "We ask that you bear in mind that this invitation onto campus is to attend the fair and Question Time events and that canvassing on areas of the campus outside these events is not permitted."

This is extremely disappointing. Although we have made a breakthrough, Staffordshire University Students Union, presumably supported by the University, is still banning legitimate political activity and freedom on the campus. A campus where many students are resident, and therefore entitled to vote. Restricting political activity at all times except these two days is still unacceptable, and CF will continue to push for complete political freedom in Staffordshire University.

Owen Meredith
Area Chairman for Staffordshire CF
Social Secretary, NKCF


Anonymous said...

Staffs should really look to Keele Union as a model. Keele has a ‘No Platform Policy’ but only disallows a platform for extreme and offensive views and parties. Although some may disagree with the very idea of a No Platform Policy in any shape or form; it must be said that Staffs Union have gone overboard by totally banning any political activity, and are definitely denying democracy to their students.

When I think back to elections days at Keele, with all the parties out on campus campaigning and having a laugh at the same time, and I think how positive that is for democracy and raising awareness about the vote and the choice on Election Day. Staffs students miss out on all that, and instead are treated by little children not able to think for themselves when in fact they are meant to be treated like intelligent adults…which they all should be being they have reached University level education...but then again...that’s another topic for discussion.

Anonymous said...

But... "only disallows a platform for extreme and offensive views and parties"

Is that really fair, though? Surely all parties, so long as they are not breaking the law, are entitled to voice their opinion through such a platform?

Anonymous said...

Well usually extreme and offensive comments are illegal as they are often inciting violence against sections of society.

Owen Meredith said...

anonymous is right, everyone has the right to say what they want within the relmes of the law and that is the exact right we are fighting for!

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.